North Sea Escapade

Almost Sold Out

time JUL. 12-23, 2024

ticket From $4,599 (including airfare from select citifies)

activity Activity Level: Mild Activity


pin Paris, Kristiansand, Oslo, Copenhagen, Lubeck, Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki, Stockholm
boat Oceania Cruises’ Nautica

Sail away with us to the North Sea on this 10-night cruise aboard Oceania Cruises’ Nautica. Let the ebb and flow of the ocean take over as you feel relaxed and energized by the people and places along the way. Begin your journey in Le Havre and set sail for Kristiansund. Soak in Norway’s laid back vibe while admiring the colorful wooden houses and partaking in some of the town’s famous klippfisk (dried cod). Be inspired by the Viking spirit in Oslo as you take in the innovative architecture and sample the delectable seafood. Find out why the Danes are considered some of the happiest people as you meander down the cobblestone streets of Copenhagen. Relax in Travemünde, a seaside resort with delicious marzipan and beautiful churches, and bask in the magnificent architecture of Riga. Tour Tallinn’s underground passageways as you learn about its historic past and explore the vibrant city, modern architecture, and open-air market of Helsinki before ending in Stockholm.

Cost: From $4,599 (including airfare from select citifies)
Go Next

Activity Level: Mild Activity

Book this Tour

Download the tour Reservation Form here. This tour is booked quickly, so sign up early to reserve space.

Enclose a check or provide credit card information for $500 per person, per tour, as a deposit for the selected tour. Make check payable to Go Next. Deposits are provisional and fully refundable pending your acceptance of final brochure terms.

Fax 310-209-4271, email, or mail to:
Go Next
8000 West 78th Street, Suite 345
Minneapolis, MN 55439-2538

A brochure will be mailed to you as soon as it is available.

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