Lessons I Learned at UCLA, by Barbra Lyons, Class of 2023


our years ago, I stepped foot onto the UCLA campus for the very first time as a student. I had little to no idea of what to expect of what was to come during my time here. As I wandered the hills of campus aimlessly looking for my freshman chemistry discussion, I remembered years ago driving through the streets of Westwood with my mom seeing college students with their backpacks and thinking how cool it was that all of these individuals were UCLA students. To be quite honest, I had no intention of attending UCLA and even after applying thought that the odds of me actually getting in were slim to none. But on that fateful day four years ago, when I opened my acceptance letter, everything changed. Now as a senior looking back, just a mere days away from graduation, I can see just how much this school has taught me not only about myself, but about the world in which we live. I am so grateful to have attended this school as it has brought me so many wonderful friends, memories and experiences that I will cherish forever.

Make Every Moment Count

As someone whose freshman through junior years of college were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, making the most of the time that we had while not locked in our homes was of the utmost importance. This not only translates to school, but also with friends, family, peers and even professors. Taking advantage of the opportunity to just be with people physically taught me the importance of living in the moment and maximizing each window of opportunity to its fullest potential.

No One Knows What the Future Holds and That Is Okay

If you were to tell me this four years ago, I would have laughed and thought you were joking. We go to UCLA; everyone must have it figured out, right? Not exactly. However, after much further observation and understanding, I have learned that more often than not, people are just taking things day by day and tackling the hurdles as they come along. This slightly terrifying yet just as equally refreshing lesson has helped me through some of the highs and lows that college brings. At the end of the day, everyone is on the same train trying to figure things out and not knowing what comes next is absolutely okay. While the unknown can be scary, it also can be a blank canvas and we are given the creativity to make it what we want for ourselves.

The Importance of Discovering Yourself

While four years is not a large amount of time, it is amazing how much change you can experience and how much you can learn about yourself when you are pushed to limits that are beyond the scope of your imagination. No matter what instances or individuals you encounter while in college, it is of the utmost importance to be true to yourself and take pride in the things that make you, you.

UCLA has by far been the most impactful and rewarding experience of my life thus far and I would not be the person that I am today without each and every interaction and experience that I have had as a student. I will miss the large and exciting moments just as much as I will miss the small and quiet moments with this campus, the people and, most importantly, myself.

Barbra Lyons is graduating from UCLA with a B.S. in psychobiology. She will be pursuing a career as a physician's assistant and would one day love to work in pediatrics and move to the East Coast. Originally from Los Angeles, Lyons was involved with many student organizations, such as Camp Kesem, the Pediatric AIDS Coalition, the Hellenic Student Association, Care Extenders and many more. She has worked as the marketing assistant in the UCLA Alumni Association since 2021. 

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